ClipMenu allows you to create your own custom actions for a clipboard history item to perform text manipulations. A custom action is a single file written in JavaScript, a popular scripting language.


Place custom actions under the path:

/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/ClipMenu/script/action

If it does not exist, create it by yourself.

script folder

Custom actions must be end with ".js" extension. Files without it are ignored.

Folders placed in the path work as sub-menus in ClipMenu application.


Predefined Variables

Following variables are already defined. You can get text strings from these variables to perform text manipulations.

  • clipText

    A string of selected clipboard history item.

  • clip

    An object of selected clipboard history item. This is only used to change string attributes of RTF/RTFD now.

  • ClipMenu

    An object used to load libraries.

Return statement

When a value, a string or a clip object, is returned by return statement, they are transferred to system clipboard.

e.g., Returning an unmodified string

return clipText;

e.g., Returning an unmodified clip object

return clip;

e.g., Modifying a string to upper case

var result = clipText.toUpperCase();
            return result;

Using external libraries

You can load commonly used functions from external libraries in JavaScript. To load them, use require() method of ClipMenu object.

e.g., Loading inflection-js


The argument of require() method is a library file name you want to load. The ".js" extension can be omitted. You can check a return value whether the loading succeed or fail. 1 is success, 0 is not.

e.g., Checking a return value of require() method

var isExist = ClipMenu.require('inflection');
            if (!isExist) {
                throw new Error('Could not find the library');

After the loading successfully, you can use functions defined in the library.

e.g., Using capitalize() method defined in inflection-js


ClipMenu can load libraries from a folder inside application bundle or user installed folder.

Place external libraries to the following path:

/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/ClipMenu/script/lib

User Input

Using prompt() method, you can use a string inputted by user.

e.g., Generating HTML code combined with user input

var input = prompt('Enter a title:');
            return '<a href="' + clipText + '" title="' + input + '">' + input + '</a>';

Changing string attributes

You can change string attributes of a plain text, RTF and RTFD. To change attributes, pass an object as argument of methods to specify color or font.


  • addStringAttributes( attributes )

    You can add the attributes to the text you selected.

  • setStringAttributes( attributes )

    You can set the attributes for the text you selected to the specified attributes. These new attributes replace any attributes previously associated with the text.

Available Attributes:

  • Color

    Specifies foreground and background colors as a hex value or an HTML color name.

    e.g., Set foreground color blue

      var attributes = {
                      'color': {
                          'foreground': '#0000ff',
                  return clip;
                ![Set foreground color blue](/images/help/string_attributes_01.png)

    e.g., Set foreground color blue and background yellow

      var attributes = {
                      'color': {
                          'foreground': 'blue',
                          'background': 'yellow',
                  return clip;

    Set foreground color blue and background yellow

  • Font

    Specifies font face and size.

    e.g., Set font Lucida Grande

      var attributes = {
                      'font' : {
                          'name': 'Lucida Grande',
                  return clip;

    Set font Lucida Grande

    e.g., Set font Helvetica Bold 24 points

      var attributes = {
                      'font' : {
                          'name': 'Helvetica Bold',
                          'size': 24.0,
                  return clip;

    Set font Helvetica Bold 24 points

  • Underline

    Specifies underline style and pattern.

    Available values:

    Styles: none, single, thick, double
    Patterns: solid, dot, dash, dashdot, dashdotdot
    ByWord: true/false

    e.g., Standard underline

      var attributes = {
                      'underline': {
                          'style': 'single',
                          'pattern': 'solid',
                  return clip;

    Standard underline

    e.g., Double dot underline

      var attributes = {
                      'underline': {
                          'style': 'double',
                          'pattern': 'dot',
                  return clip;

    Double underline

    e.g., Thick dash underline by word

      var attributes = {
                      'underline': {
                          'style': 'thick',
                          'pattern': 'solid',
                          'byWord': true,
                  return clip;

    Thick dash underline by word


alert() and confirm() methods do not work.


Many thanks to people who helped us to develop ClipMenu!

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"Excellent. This is the best clipboard history tool I've seen so far." by mfichtner at iusethis

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